CREATE TABLE Asset ( -- Asset has Asset ID, AssetID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and maybe Vehicle is of Colour, VehicleColour varchar NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and maybe Vehicle was sold by Dealer and Dealer is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, VehicleDealerID int NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and maybe Vehicle has Engine Number, VehicleEngineNumber varchar NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and maybe Vehicle is subject to finance with Finance Institution and Finance Institution is a kind of Company and Company is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, VehicleFinanceInstitutionID int NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle has commercial registration, VehicleHasCommercialRegistration bit NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle is of model-Year and Year has Year Nr, VehicleModelYearNr int NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle has Registration and Registration has Registration Nr, VehicleRegistrationNr char(8) NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle is of Vehicle Type and maybe Vehicle Type has Badge, VehicleTypeBadge varchar NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle is of Vehicle Type and Vehicle Type is of Make, VehicleTypeMake varchar NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle is of Vehicle Type and Vehicle Type is of Model, VehicleTypeModel varchar NULL, -- maybe Asset is a Vehicle and Vehicle has VIN, VehicleVIN int NULL, PRIMARY KEY(AssetID) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.VehicleInAsset_VIN (VehicleVIN) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT VehicleVIN FROM dbo.Asset WHERE VehicleVIN IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX VehiclePK ON dbo.VehicleInAsset_VIN(VehicleVIN) GO CREATE TABLE Claim ( -- Claim has Claim ID, ClaimID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and Incident relates to loss at Address and Address is in City, IncidentAddressCity varchar NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and Incident relates to loss at Address and maybe Address is in Postcode, IncidentAddressPostcode varchar NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and Incident relates to loss at Address and maybe Address is in State and State has State Code, IncidentAddressStateCode tinyint NULL CHECK((IncidentAddressStateCode >= 0 AND IncidentAddressStateCode <= 9)), -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and Incident relates to loss at Address and Address is at Street, IncidentAddressStreet varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and Incident relates to loss on Date Time, IncidentDateTime datetime NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and maybe Incident is covered by Police Report and maybe Police Report was to officer-Name, IncidentOfficerName varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and maybe Incident is covered by Police Report and maybe Police Report has police-Report Nr, IncidentPoliceReportNr int NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and maybe Incident is covered by Police Report and maybe Police Report was on report-Date Time, IncidentReportDateTime datetime NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and maybe Incident is covered by Police Report and maybe Police Report was by reporter-Name, IncidentReporterName varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Claim concerns Incident and maybe Incident is covered by Police Report and maybe Police Report was at station-Name, IncidentStationName varchar(256) NULL, -- Lodgement (in which Claim was lodged by Person) and maybe Lodgement was made at Date Time, LodgementDateTime datetime NULL, -- Lodgement (in which Claim was lodged by Person) and Lodgement (in which Claim was lodged by Person) and Person is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, LodgementPersonID int NOT NULL, -- Claim has Claim Sequence, PSequence int NOT NULL CHECK((PSequence >= 1 AND PSequence <= 999)), -- Claim is on Policy and Policy is for product having Product and Product has Product Code, PolicyPProductCode tinyint NOT NULL, -- Claim is on Policy and Policy has Policy Serial, PolicyPSerial int NOT NULL, -- Claim is on Policy and Policy issued in state having State and State has State Code, PolicyPStateCode tinyint NOT NULL, -- Claim is on Policy and Policy was issued in Year and Year has Year Nr, PolicyPYearNr int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ClaimID), UNIQUE(PolicyPYearNr, PolicyPProductCode, PolicyPStateCode, PolicyPSerial, PSequence) ) GO CREATE TABLE ContractorAppointment ( -- Contractor Appointment (in which Claim involves Contractor) and Claim has Claim ID, ClaimID int NOT NULL, -- Contractor Appointment (in which Claim involves Contractor) and Contractor is a kind of Company and Company is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, ContractorID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ClaimID, ContractorID), FOREIGN KEY (ClaimID) REFERENCES Claim (ClaimID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Cover ( -- Cover (in which Policy provides Cover Type over Asset) and Asset has Asset ID, AssetID int NOT NULL, -- Cover (in which Policy provides Cover Type over Asset) and Cover Type has Cover Type Code, CoverTypeCode char NOT NULL, -- Cover (in which Policy provides Cover Type over Asset) and Policy is for product having Product and Product has Product Code, PolicyPProductCode tinyint NOT NULL, -- Cover (in which Policy provides Cover Type over Asset) and Policy has Policy Serial, PolicyPSerial int NOT NULL, -- Cover (in which Policy provides Cover Type over Asset) and Policy issued in state having State and State has State Code, PolicyPStateCode tinyint NOT NULL, -- Cover (in which Policy provides Cover Type over Asset) and Policy was issued in Year and Year has Year Nr, PolicyPYearNr int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PolicyPYearNr, PolicyPProductCode, PolicyPStateCode, PolicyPSerial, CoverTypeCode, AssetID), FOREIGN KEY (AssetID) REFERENCES Asset (AssetID) ) GO CREATE TABLE CoverType ( -- Cover Type has Cover Type Code, CoverTypeCode char NOT NULL, -- Cover Type has Cover Type Name, CoverTypeName varchar NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(CoverTypeCode), UNIQUE(CoverTypeName) ) GO CREATE TABLE CoverWording ( -- Cover Wording (in which Cover Type used Policy Wording from start-Date) and Cover Type has Cover Type Code, CoverTypeCode char NOT NULL, -- Cover Wording (in which Cover Type used Policy Wording from start-Date) and Policy Wording has Policy Wording Text, PolicyWordingText varchar NOT NULL, -- Cover Wording (in which Cover Type used Policy Wording from start-Date) involves Date, StartDate datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(CoverTypeCode, PolicyWordingText, StartDate), FOREIGN KEY (CoverTypeCode) REFERENCES CoverType (CoverTypeCode) ) GO CREATE TABLE LossType ( -- Loss Type involves driving, InvolvesDriving bit NULL, -- Loss Type is single vehicle incident, IsSingleVehicleIncident bit NULL, -- maybe Loss Type implies Liability and Liability has Liability Code, LiabilityCode char(1) NULL CHECK(LiabilityCode = 'D' OR LiabilityCode = 'L' OR LiabilityCode = 'R' OR LiabilityCode = 'U'), -- Loss Type has Loss Type Code, LossTypeCode char NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(LossTypeCode) ) GO CREATE TABLE LostItem ( -- Lost Item has Description, Description varchar(1024) NOT NULL, -- Lost Item was lost in Incident and Incident is of Claim and Claim has Claim ID, IncidentClaimID int NOT NULL, -- Lost Item has Lost Item Nr, LostItemNr int NOT NULL, -- maybe Lost Item was purchased on purchase-Date, PurchaseDate datetime NULL, -- maybe Lost Item was purchased at purchase-Place, PurchasePlace varchar NULL, -- maybe Lost Item was purchased for purchase-Price, PurchasePrice decimal(18, 2) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(IncidentClaimID, LostItemNr), FOREIGN KEY (IncidentClaimID) REFERENCES Claim (ClaimID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Party ( -- maybe Party is a Company and Company has contact-Person and Person is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, CompanyContactPersonID int NULL, -- Party is a company, IsACompany bit NULL, -- Party has Party ID, PartyID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person lives at Address and Address is in City, PersonAddressCity varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person lives at Address and maybe Address is in Postcode, PersonAddressPostcode varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person lives at Address and maybe Address is in State and State has State Code, PersonAddressStateCode tinyint NULL CHECK((PersonAddressStateCode >= 0 AND PersonAddressStateCode <= 9)), -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person lives at Address and Address is at Street, PersonAddressStreet varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person has birth-Date, PersonBirthDate datetime NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Contact Methods and maybe Contact Methods includes business-Phone and Phone has Phone Nr, PersonBusinessPhoneNr varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Contact Methods and maybe Contact Methods prefers contact-Time, PersonContactTime datetime NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Contact Methods and maybe Contact Methods includes Email, PersonEmail varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has family-Name, PersonFamilyName varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has given-Name, PersonGivenName varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Contact Methods and maybe Contact Methods includes home-Phone and Phone has Phone Nr, PersonHomePhoneNr varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person holds License and License is international, PersonIsInternational bit NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person holds License and License has License Number, PersonLicenseNumber varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person holds License and License is of License Type, PersonLicenseType varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Contact Methods and maybe Contact Methods includes mobile-Phone and Phone has Phone Nr, PersonMobilePhoneNr varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person has Occupation, PersonOccupation varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Contact Methods and maybe Contact Methods has preferred-Contact Method, PersonPreferredContactMethod char(1) NULL CHECK(PersonPreferredContactMethod = 'B' OR PersonPreferredContactMethod = 'H' OR PersonPreferredContactMethod = 'M'), -- maybe Party is a Person and Person has Title, PersonTitle varchar NULL, -- maybe Party is a Person and maybe Person holds License and maybe License was granted in Year and Year has Year Nr, PersonYearNr int NULL, -- maybe Party has postal-Address and Address is in City, PostalAddressCity varchar NULL, -- maybe Party has postal-Address and maybe Address is in Postcode, PostalAddressPostcode varchar NULL, -- maybe Party has postal-Address and maybe Address is in State and State has State Code, PostalAddressStateCode tinyint NULL CHECK((PostalAddressStateCode >= 0 AND PostalAddressStateCode <= 9)), -- maybe Party has postal-Address and Address is at Street, PostalAddressStreet varchar(256) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PartyID), FOREIGN KEY (CompanyContactPersonID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.LicenseInParty_PersonLicenseNumber (PersonLicenseNumber) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT PersonLicenseNumber FROM dbo.Party WHERE PersonLicenseNumber IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_LicenseInPartyByPersonLicenseNumber ON dbo.LicenseInParty_PersonLicenseNumber(PersonLicenseNumber) GO CREATE TABLE Policy ( -- Policy has Application and Application has Application Nr, ApplicationNr int NOT NULL, -- maybe Policy was sold by Authorised Rep and Authorised Rep is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, AuthorisedRepID int NULL, -- maybe Policy has ITC Claimed, ITCClaimed decimal(18, 2) NULL CHECK((ITCClaimed >= 0.0 AND ITCClaimed <= 100.0)), -- Policy belongs to Insured and Insured is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, InsuredID int NOT NULL, -- Policy is for product having Product and Product has Product Code, PProductCode tinyint NOT NULL, -- Policy has Policy Serial, PSerial int NOT NULL CHECK((PSerial >= 1 AND PSerial <= 99999)), -- Policy issued in state having State and State has State Code, PStateCode tinyint NOT NULL, -- Policy was issued in Year and Year has Year Nr, PYearNr int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PYearNr, PProductCode, PStateCode, PSerial), FOREIGN KEY (AuthorisedRepID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID), FOREIGN KEY (InsuredID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Product ( -- maybe Product has Alias, Alias char(3) NULL, -- maybe Product has Description, Description varchar(1024) NULL, -- Product has Product Code, ProductCode tinyint NOT NULL CHECK((ProductCode >= 1 AND ProductCode <= 99)), PRIMARY KEY(ProductCode) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Product_Alias (Alias) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT Alias FROM dbo.Product WHERE Alias IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ProductByAlias ON dbo.Product_Alias(Alias) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Product_Description (Description) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT Description FROM dbo.Product WHERE Description IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ProductByDescription ON dbo.Product_Description(Description) GO CREATE TABLE PropertyDamage ( -- Property Damage is at Address and Address is in City, AddressCity varchar NOT NULL, -- Property Damage is at Address and maybe Address is in Postcode, AddressPostcode varchar NULL, -- Property Damage is at Address and maybe Address is in State and State has State Code, AddressStateCode tinyint NULL CHECK((AddressStateCode >= 0 AND AddressStateCode <= 9)), -- Property Damage is at Address and Address is at Street, AddressStreet varchar(256) NOT NULL, -- maybe Property Damage was damaged in Incident and Incident is of Claim and Claim has Claim ID, IncidentClaimID int NULL, -- maybe Property Damage belongs to owner-Name, OwnerName varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Property Damage owner has contact Phone and Phone has Phone Nr, PhoneNr varchar NULL, UNIQUE(IncidentClaimID, AddressStreet, AddressCity, AddressPostcode, AddressStateCode), FOREIGN KEY (IncidentClaimID) REFERENCES Claim (ClaimID) ) GO CREATE TABLE State ( -- State has State Code, StateCode tinyint NOT NULL CHECK((StateCode >= 0 AND StateCode <= 9)), -- maybe State has State Name, StateName varchar(256) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(StateCode) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.State_Name (StateName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT StateName FROM dbo.State WHERE StateName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_StateByStateName ON dbo.State_Name(StateName) GO CREATE TABLE ThirdParty ( -- maybe Third Party is insured by Insurer and Insurer is a kind of Company and Company is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, InsurerID int NULL, -- maybe Third Party vehicle is of model-Year and Year has Year Nr, ModelYearNr int NULL, -- Third Party (in which Person was third party in Vehicle Incident) and Person is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, PersonID int NOT NULL, -- Third Party (in which Person was third party in Vehicle Incident) and Vehicle Incident is a kind of Incident and Incident is of Claim and Claim has Claim ID, VehicleIncidentClaimID int NOT NULL, -- maybe Third Party drove vehicle-Registration and Registration has Registration Nr, VehicleRegistrationNr char(8) NULL, -- maybe Third Party vehicle is of Vehicle Type and maybe Vehicle Type has Badge, VehicleTypeBadge varchar NULL, -- maybe Third Party vehicle is of Vehicle Type and Vehicle Type is of Make, VehicleTypeMake varchar NULL, -- maybe Third Party vehicle is of Vehicle Type and Vehicle Type is of Model, VehicleTypeModel varchar NULL, PRIMARY KEY(PersonID, VehicleIncidentClaimID), FOREIGN KEY (InsurerID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID), FOREIGN KEY (PersonID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) ) GO CREATE TABLE UnderwritingDemerit ( -- maybe Underwriting Demerit occurred occurrence-Count times, OccurrenceCount int NULL, -- Underwriting Demerit has Underwriting Question and Underwriting Question has Underwriting Question ID, UnderwritingQuestionID int NOT NULL, -- Underwriting Demerit preceded Vehicle Incident and Vehicle Incident is a kind of Incident and Incident is of Claim and Claim has Claim ID, VehicleIncidentClaimID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(VehicleIncidentClaimID, UnderwritingQuestionID) ) GO CREATE TABLE UnderwritingQuestion ( -- Underwriting Question has Text, Text varchar NOT NULL, -- Underwriting Question has Underwriting Question ID, UnderwritingQuestionID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(UnderwritingQuestionID), UNIQUE(Text) ) GO CREATE TABLE VehicleIncident ( -- maybe Vehicle Incident has Description, Description varchar(1024) NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and Hospitalization (in which maybe Driving resulted in driver taken to Hospital) and maybe Hospitalization resulted in blood-Test Result, DrivingBloodTestResult varchar NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and maybe Driving resulted in breath-Test Result, DrivingBreathTestResult varchar NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and Driving Charge (in which maybe Driving resulted in Charge) and Driving Charge (in which Driving resulted in Charge) involves Charge, DrivingCharge varchar NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and Hospitalization (in which maybe Driving resulted in driver taken to Hospital) and Hospitalization (in which Driving resulted in driver taken to Hospital) and Hospital has Hospital Name, DrivingHospitalName varchar NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and maybe Driving followed Intoxication, DrivingIntoxication varchar NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and Driving Charge (in which maybe Driving resulted in Charge) and Driving Charge is a warning, DrivingIsAWarning bit NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and maybe Driving was without owners consent for nonconsent-Reason, DrivingNonconsentReason varchar NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and Driving was by Person and Person is a kind of Party and Party has Party ID, DrivingPersonID int NULL, -- Driving (in which Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven) and maybe Driving was unlicenced for unlicensed-Reason, DrivingUnlicensedReason varchar NULL, -- Vehicle Incident is a kind of Incident and Incident is of Claim and Claim has Claim ID, IncidentClaimID int NOT NULL, -- maybe Vehicle Incident resulted from Loss Type and Loss Type has Loss Type Code, LossTypeCode char NULL, -- Vehicle Incident occurred while being driven, OccurredWhileBeingDriven bit NULL, -- maybe Vehicle Incident involved previous_damage-Description, PreviousDamageDescription varchar(1024) NULL, -- maybe Vehicle Incident was caused by Reason, Reason varchar NULL, -- maybe Vehicle Incident resulted in vehicle being towed to towed-Location, TowedLocation varchar NULL, -- maybe Vehicle Incident occurred during weather-Description, WeatherDescription varchar(1024) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(IncidentClaimID), FOREIGN KEY (IncidentClaimID) REFERENCES Claim (ClaimID), FOREIGN KEY (LossTypeCode) REFERENCES LossType (LossTypeCode), FOREIGN KEY (DrivingPersonID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) ) GO CREATE TABLE Witness ( -- maybe Witness lives at Address and Address is in City, AddressCity varchar NULL, -- maybe Witness lives at Address and maybe Address is in Postcode, AddressPostcode varchar NULL, -- maybe Witness lives at Address and maybe Address is in State and State has State Code, AddressStateCode tinyint NULL CHECK((AddressStateCode >= 0 AND AddressStateCode <= 9)), -- maybe Witness lives at Address and Address is at Street, AddressStreet varchar(256) NULL, -- maybe Witness has contact-Phone and Phone has Phone Nr, ContactPhoneNr varchar NULL, -- Witness saw Incident and Incident is of Claim and Claim has Claim ID, IncidentClaimID int NOT NULL, -- Witness is called Name, Name varchar(256) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(IncidentClaimID, Name), FOREIGN KEY (IncidentClaimID) REFERENCES Claim (ClaimID), FOREIGN KEY (AddressStateCode) REFERENCES State (StateCode) ) GO ALTER TABLE Asset ADD FOREIGN KEY (VehicleDealerID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) GO ALTER TABLE Asset ADD FOREIGN KEY (VehicleFinanceInstitutionID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) GO ALTER TABLE Claim ADD FOREIGN KEY (LodgementPersonID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) GO ALTER TABLE Claim ADD FOREIGN KEY (PolicyPYearNr, PolicyPProductCode, PolicyPStateCode, PolicyPSerial) REFERENCES Policy (PYearNr, PProductCode, PStateCode, PSerial) GO ALTER TABLE Claim ADD FOREIGN KEY (IncidentAddressStateCode) REFERENCES State (StateCode) GO ALTER TABLE ContractorAppointment ADD FOREIGN KEY (ContractorID) REFERENCES Party (PartyID) GO ALTER TABLE Cover ADD FOREIGN KEY (CoverTypeCode) REFERENCES CoverType (CoverTypeCode) GO ALTER TABLE Cover ADD FOREIGN KEY (PolicyPYearNr, PolicyPProductCode, PolicyPStateCode, PolicyPSerial) REFERENCES Policy (PYearNr, PProductCode, PStateCode, PSerial) GO ALTER TABLE Party ADD FOREIGN KEY (PersonAddressStateCode) REFERENCES State (StateCode) GO ALTER TABLE Party ADD FOREIGN KEY (PostalAddressStateCode) REFERENCES State (StateCode) GO ALTER TABLE Policy ADD FOREIGN KEY (PProductCode) REFERENCES Product (ProductCode) GO ALTER TABLE Policy ADD FOREIGN KEY (PStateCode) REFERENCES State (StateCode) GO ALTER TABLE PropertyDamage ADD FOREIGN KEY (AddressStateCode) REFERENCES State (StateCode) GO ALTER TABLE ThirdParty ADD FOREIGN KEY (VehicleIncidentClaimID) REFERENCES VehicleIncident (IncidentClaimID) GO ALTER TABLE UnderwritingDemerit ADD FOREIGN KEY (UnderwritingQuestionID) REFERENCES UnderwritingQuestion (UnderwritingQuestionID) GO ALTER TABLE UnderwritingDemerit ADD FOREIGN KEY (VehicleIncidentClaimID) REFERENCES VehicleIncident (IncidentClaimID) GO